Save the Date: The 2021 Reel Awards Ceremony Is on May 1st!

After nearly seven months, I am beyond excited to announce that the Reel Awards, my celebration of films, has a ceremony date.

My second awards ceremony, the 2021 Reel Awards, will be Premiere on YouTube (as I don't have the hardware to live stream) on May 1st, the second anniversary of Austin B Media's launch, at 4 PM Central. 

Speaking of my second anniversary running Austin B Media, stay tuned after the ceremony for some announcements regarding what I have planned for Phase 3 of Austin B Media!

Want more information on what the Reel Awards are? Click here to read all about them!

Want to stay in the loop on all things Reel Awards? Make sure to bookmark this tag to read all future announcements.

Until next time!

Thanks to Thomas Stoneham-Judge from Movies For Reel, Shane Conto, Joseph Davis, David Walters, Ambula Bula, and Matthew Simpson for supporting Austin B Media on Patreon!

Austin Belzer

My name is Austin Belzer. I’m a cynic, a perfectionist, high-strung (I’m told), and an overly anxious human being. I love to write. Whether it’s on GameSkinny, The BladedTech Show, Proven Gamer, The Vertical Slice, Movie Health Community, or SiftPop, I have always felt the need to write or create

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