The Austin B Media Podcast Relaunch

Hey there everybody!

Leading up to the relaunch of my website, I'll be sharing updates with you regarding pre-existing things you've seen me stop producing or produce less of. Two huge examples are my newsletter, Austin B Updates, and my podcast, The Austin B Media Podcast.

Today, I want to focus on The Austin B Media Podcast, its relaunch, and how my format will change accordingly.

First and foremost, the movie & TV segments will consist of mini-reviews of films & television episodes I've seen that week and what's coming out next week. The video games and technology sections will be news-only and will be excluded if there's no news. On a similar note, the music section will be relegated to an as-needed segment of The Austin B Media Podcast, only appearing when there's tons of new music to listen to. What won't change is how interviews will be distributed. Those will all still be going live on The Austin B Media Podcast feed.

For Patrons, I'll have a spoiler-filled show called Austin B Spoilers. Additionally, I'll have Patron questions that I'll answer on the Patron-only version of The Austin B Media Podcast, as well as a behind-the-scenes Patron-only podcast called Behind the Curtain, where you'll get weekly episodes detailing what I'm working on and where Patrons can give feedback. I'll also be including commentary for movies and television shows in the future, but that's far off. Probably in 2022.

Now, time to address a huge change in format. When The Austin B Media Podcast relaunches, new episodes will be available in both audio and video format for those who like to watch podcasts. A big reason I didn't start the podcast this way is that video podcasts haven't been supported very much on the platforms I'm on. However, with Patreon and Anchor looking into video hosting, it seemed natural that I adopted producing a video podcast. Will it look great? No. This won't be some professionally-produced video podcast. I'll be recording the show either from my laptop webcam or through an external DSLR camera. That said, as I learn, the production will get better.

So, when is The Austin B Media Podcast relaunching? Unfortunately, I don't have the exact date for you yet...Ah, just kidding. The Austin B Media Podcast will officially relaunch on December 2nd for Patrons and December 3rd for non-Patrons. This relaunch episode will cover awards season, my favorite films, television shows, and music released in 2021, and much more.

Until next time!

Thanks to Thomas Stoneham-Judge from Movies For Reel, Shane Conto, Joseph Davis, David Walters, and Ambula Bula for supporting Austin B Media on Patreon!

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Austin Belzer

My name is Austin Belzer. I’m a cynic, a perfectionist, high-strung (I’m told), and an overly anxious human being. I love to write. Whether it’s on GameSkinny, The BladedTech Show, Proven Gamer, The Vertical Slice, Movie Health Community, or SiftPop, I have always felt the need to write or create

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