Austin B Media

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You Can Now Play Spotify on Facebook

Ever found it exhausting to have to open Spotify to play the music or podcasts you love? If so, Spotify has made it easier by enabling full playback from Spotify within the existing Facebook app on iOS and Android for Spotify Premium users. If you're on Spotify Free, not much changes. You can still play the same tracks you're used to playing, but be prepared to listen to ads.

The way this works is by sharing Spotify tracks to your Facebook News Feed (not currently enabled for Facebook Pages) or by uploading videos that contain licensed music available on Spotify. For verified Spotify artists, there will be the ability to play songs through a mini player on selected posts.

To access the miniplayer, tap Play on a song shared from Spotify on your News Feed, click Connect and the Spotify app will open to connect Spotify to your Facebook account. Once you've done all this, you'll be able to listen to music through Facebook.

Currently, this is available to anyone using Spotify in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Isreal, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay, and the United States. In the coming months, Spotify will add more countries.

If you want to test out the functionality without sharing a song or searching up a verified Spotify artist, I've shared the following post on my Facebook page.

Until next time!

Thanks to Thomas Stoneham-Judge from Movies For Reel, Shane Conto, and Joseph Davis for supporting Austin B Media on Patreon!

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